Hanya karena mata dapat menceritakan siapa kita,
bukan berarti kita harus menutup mata
dalam berinteraksi secara sosial sehari-hari.
Nasihatnya ialah,
jauh lebih mudah untuk menjadi baik secara autentik...
(self-preaching note #1)
Every victory begins with a decision to fight.
(self-preaching note #2)
The more you do the virtue to the life, the more the life will pay attention to and care about you.
(self-preaching #3)
There must be no satisfaction for those
who have great and super visions in the future,
yet they have to always be grateful for everything that
both has been accomplished and hasn't been accomplished.
(self-preaching note #4)
Either you win or you lose, you just have to reflect all, finding that disguised meaning.
(self-preaching note #5)
One of the excitement of life is
knowing something new and interesting for you.
So, come on...!!!
Pursue, chase, discover, and get it!!
Life is all about growing and learning. :)
(self-preaching note #6)
Life is sometimes like TOEFL test.
Beside you have to learn and master the skills,
you are also supposed to be quick and prudent in doing the test.
Lebih cepat lebih baik (JK), love him so much...:)
(self-preaching note #7)
Yang masih lebih indah dan menarik untuk dibicarakan
antara pelayanan dan pengetahuan
ialah pelayanan...
Pelayanan ialah catatan dalam kehidupan atas penggunaan
sumber daya diri secara bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
(self-preaching note #8)
The first step that should be taken for being a winner
is to win of the thought of loser.
It is to believe in and to ensure yourself.
We ought to get everything positive.
Concluded that,
we are about to get the triumphant of inferiority within our mind...
(self-preaching note #9)
There is a great woman behind every single great leader.
If it is not mother, it is wife.
But, I believe both, mother first, then wife...
The nation will be that great & powerful if it has great leaders.
It is government's task, if not saying a must,
to keep and empower woman to be great
by giving safety, prosperity, education, understanding, & inspiration,
so they can give birth & grow great leaders.
Tenderness rises strength is just another example of life's laws...
(self-preaching note #10)
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