Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hospital pharmacy installation is a part or a facility in the hospital, a place where the all of pharmaceutical work that needed in the hospital is exercised. Beside that, pharmaceutical services in the hospital is a part that can not be separated from the intact hospital service and has the orientation toward the service to the patient and delivering of qualified drugs. Usage process of drugs is a complicated system which is consist of several steps that should be done to attain the optimal therapy, for instance inappropriate drugs usage will cause the preceding activities that has been done well to be useless. Work procedure overwhelms all of activities, begin with the receiving the drug prescription till the delivering the drugs to nurse in ward or the patient’s family. Hence, all of the officials at the both Rawat Inap and Rawat Jalan section in the RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta have to know and implement the work procedures that had been established by the hospital management. This research aimed to knowing the correlation between the officials’ knowledge about the work procedure with the work performance at both Rawat Inap and Rawat Jalan section on pharmacy installation in RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

The type of this research was quantitative descriptive that executed with the cross sectional approach. The involved variabel in this research were the level of the officials’ knowledge about work procedures as the independent variabel and the official’s work performance as the dependent variabel. This research was exercised on January 2009, which the magnitude of the sample was 28 officials. The data collecting used the quizionaire. The result of the research was analyzed in univariat and bivariat manner with the Kendall Tau test.

The result of the analysis showed that coeficient corelation of Kendal Tau was 0.335 with level of significance was 0.015 (p<0.05) which showed that higher the level of officials’ knowledge toward the work procedure, higher the official’s work performance.

There was significant positive correlation between the level of officials’ knowledge toward work procedure with the officials’ work performance at both Rawat Inap and Rawat Jalan section on pharmacy installation in the RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Hospital pharmaceutical installation, the level of knowledge, work procedure, and work performance.

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